Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Best and Worst Jobs in the U.S.

The Wall Street Journal set out about the top 181 jobs in the United States. They stated amoung the top 20 and the worst 20. The criteria was based on environment, income, employment outlook, physical demands and stress, which in my opinion pretty much sum up what would make a good job. Something that Iwould have added would be like self-satisfaction or something, though, becuase that is an important part of a job as well.

I was really shocked when I saw that the top spot was mathmetician. I mean what exactly is a mathmetician, what do they do?? I may research that after I am done this blog. Anyway, mathmeticians are apparently generally happiest with their job and the work conditions are very satisfying. Other jobs which were on the top 20 that I found interesting were Accountant (this is easy to beleive because my cousin is an accountant and she LOVES it!), Software Engineer, Industrial Designer, Parole Officer, Meteorologist, Paralegal Assistant and Motion Picture Editor.

The last on the list was Brick Layer which is the worst job in America. Others in the list were firefighter, Nuclear Decontamination Tech (whatever that is), Taxi Driver, Lumberjack, Construction Worker, mail Carriers, and Butchers.

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