Saturday, October 18, 2008


I do not get VERY angry that often, but when I do, it is pretty bad. One thing that I can think of that makes my blood boil and makes my ears steam, is when I work REALLY hard on a project or assignment and I get a really low mark that I clearly did not deserve. If I slack off and procrastinate when doing the project, then I understand if I receive a bad mark. But when I know that I have put in my blood, sweat and tears, then I know that the judgment of the marking was not done properly. Then, it what adds on to my anger is when someone who slapped something together in 13.9 minutes got like a 90%. The reason this gets me really mad is that I knew that I worked really hard and took so much time to make the project or assignment precise and perfect. Another part is when I receive a bad mark and the teacher does not even explain what I did wrong, with no rubric, but just a mark on the back of the assignment. This shows to me that the teacher is probably not marking for criteria but rather what his or her mood is that day!! Okay, that may not be the case, but at least pin point what the student is doing wrong1 That really gets my blood boiling!!!

1 comment:

Ms. Cat said...

I am sure that is very frustrating. The thing is, people take different amounts of time to do different things. Just because you try your best doesn't mean it's any good. This is a hard fact of life to learn but it's true.

However, if you disagree with a mark or don't understand how a mark was arrived at ask your teacher. I expect students to ask me if they don't know what went wrong. They are your marks. Make sure you understand them or you can never improve.