Sunday, November 23, 2008


Okay... soo I just watched Twilight yesterday night, and all I have to say is now I understand what all the hype is about.

I am someone who has never read a sentence of the books, never watched an interview with the cast, have never even seen a commercial for the movie (don't really get to watch TV anymore)... and never even heard of the books before I saw Fawziya reading them... but I LOVEDDD the movie!!!! It got some really bad reviews but I absolutely LOVED IT! The cast did an amazing job and there was sooooooo much chemistry with all the characters... I felt like another one of those crazy hard-core fans when watching the movie. I was like "OH MY GOD" and "AWWWW" throughout the whole movie! I got really into it.

I cant wait to actually read the books. Maybe during the Christmas break when I get bored, I will read them. But yeah the movie was awesome and I recommend anyone to go watch it. Many people think its a chick flick.. and yes there were moslty girls in the theatre but I think anyone can enjoy it. Even if you know nothing about it from before (like me), you will enjoy it!

1 comment:

Steph N said...

I have also never read a sentence of the books, but the movie seems to be really good acorrding to the people who have seen it already. I have heard of the books but I never got into reading them. That whole vampire thing doesn't interest me. Maybe I'll like the movie.